I Ride for: Stephen

With the exception of being connected to a very unique group of people who have been together with Team Livestrong RAGBRAI, Steve and I do not have much in common. He is an elite athlete, I plod along. He is super social, I’m a wall flower whenever I can be. He is a ‘F#%k Cancer’ guy, I’m a ‘give it no power’ guy (I’m not even a Cancer Sucks guy. It does, but I never say it or think it.)

During 2023 we found something new in common. Sure we both have cancer (different types), but this isn’t our biggest commonality. We both moved from supporters (for decades) to now being part of the supported

I have not asked Steve, but I bet this is hard for him. It was for me. I experienced a crossover that took 4-5 months. In the beginning I appreciated others messaging me and sending me stuff, even though it was really tough to get through or read. I felt guilty for not being more appreciative. I could hardly read the cards myself (Jeri read them to me which was a huge gift.) And then that first yellow flag came in the mail. Wow! I knew logically that all these people cared for me and wanted to contribute, but I was not emotionally ready to crossover. (As I have said in other posts, one cannot fight emotion with logic.)

Steve, as you probably know and continue to find out, everyone goes through this differently.  Fortunately I saved every card, note, email, text, and gift. About 2 months ago I started getting them all out and reading each one again. They were all nice 9 months ago.  They are fantastic today.  

I am guessing that getting a yellow flag from me will be a blessing and a curse.  And like most things in life we cannot have one without the other. If you are like me, put it away and take it out again in 6 months. On the other hand if you are thinking, “It is about F#&%ing time Mulder did one for me!” here it is. 😄


     The Road Rider

PS. For those of you who sent Steve or myself stuff, thank you and DON’T do anything different. You cannot know when someone is ready, because WE don’t know when we are ready. Jeri was ready and all that stuff was a huge comfort to her.  So whenever the spirit moves you (God Nudge) DO IT!  Laggards like me WILL catch up. Thank You!


I Ride For: Nicole


I Ride For:  Dave