The Road Rider

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Ships Arn’t Meant to Stay in the Harbor

Ships Arn’t Meant to Stay in the Harbor

In the last 4-5 months I have started to collect motivational t-shirts. Well, at least motivational to me. Since I am on a cruise ship, I thought this would be a good one to post first.

Over the years I have been asked about why I go ride a bicycle on the road. Since today I only have about 60% of my T4 vertebrae (my estimate from the CT scans and the tumor is gone), this question has come up once a month. Ha! Even my Dad has asked.

It is a legitimate question. There are many things I could do that would be less risky. There are also a few that would be more risky. I do not know why I choose bicycling decades ago. I know I do not like running and swimming. I also have no interest in jumping out of a plane, flying down a mountain in skies, or climbing up a vertical rock surface. Who knows, maybe bicycling chose me.

Whatever the reason I know today that I need to ride harder, faster, and further than I ever have in the past. Before January 17, 2022 I rode to accomplish my mile and climbing goals for the year. With the ok from my Orthopedic Back Oncologist and the fact that I am not in absolute complete remission, I now feel like I am riding for my life. I know this seems dramatic, and it is a little. But now even on an exercise bike in the fitness room, this is what I am thinking.

Ok sure, I could do all this in the safe environment of that exercise room or my bicycle trainer back home. But I won’t. 40-60 minutes is about all my mind will focus on when I am inside. Why? - Hence the t-shirt. While I am a pretty wimpy outdoors man, there is something about being on the road, outside, hot, and tired that brings out the best in me and makes me work the hardest. In the end I believe that my little ship is not meant to stay in the harbor. It is meant to get out on the road and ride my little ass off.


The Road Rider