Round #1

I bet most people will see this and think, “Jeff is promoting Starbucks again.” And my past would back that up. But this time the picture does not reveal the reason for the post. 

Monday, June 5 I finished Round #1 of treatment. It was the first Monday in 13 weeks I had no shot in the belly, took no steroids, and swallowed no chemo. While I transition to Round #2, I have 3-4 weeks with zero treatment.

So the Starbucks in the picture was my second of the day! It was my little celebration on the way home from my second bone marrow biopsy. People have asked me if these biopsies hurt. I would say they’re more annoying than painful. I wonder how many more I will have… I hope a lot! 


The Road Rider


Option B Part III


How Are You Doing?