Option B

All it took was a fly.

Now, it was a big fly, and it bit me while riding my bike in July of 2022. While I did not fall, I did slam on the breaks to stop and arched as far back as I could to not go over the handle bars. I pulled every muscle in my ribs from my sternum to my back bone. Despite this fantastic stop, the fly was still there and it bit me one more time before I could shoo it away.

I went to the doctor, took a lot of Advil, and “rested”. (This means I continued to bike, but gave up wood cutting for a few months.) This cut the discomfort in half. In December I decided I was not old enough to have chronic pain so I found a great physical therapist and my doctor scheduled a CT Scan.

I had the scan the first week in January 2023. The result a couple days later was a broken vertebrae (T4 to be specific). It took a day, but then I wondered, “How does one break their own back without falling?” The good news is you cannot. The bad news is you cannot. Another week of testing revealed that the break was actually caused be a tumor and the tumor was caused by Multiple Myeloma. In short, I have cancer…


One day at a time


The Fly