Cindy Made My Day

9 months ago when we were still headed down the path of a Stem Cell Transplant, I got tested for EVERYTHING. The #1 reason people have a tough time with these transplants is infection. So, they wanted to make sure I was not going in with any kind of bug. I was confident they would find nothing. Never been really sick outside of a cold, flu, or COVID (light).

Well, I was wrong. Ends up, somewhere in my past I had tuberculous. I always associated tuberculous with coughing up blood. I have for sure never done that, but nonetheless I have latent tuberculous.

Ok, great. Now what do I do about it? Like Multiple Myeloma, there is no way to get rid of it but there is a treatment that will cause your body to build up antibodies. So if someday the “latent” part goes away, my body is already to fight it. Like everything else on our medical quest, my response was, give me as much as possible and fast as possible. The trick, none of the pharmacies where I live had the right stuff.

Enter Cindy from the Ottawa County Health Department. Because it was tuberculosis, she was notified and called me. “Just come in and see me. We have the medicine you need.” I went the next day.

The treatment is 9 months, a pill every day, and a B6 vitamin to deal with side effects. I went in every month, met with Cindy, and got my next month’s medication. (It kind of felt like she was my dealer. Ha!).

I finished my 9 months last week and was supposed to message Cindy to let her know. I forgot. (I remembered to take this picture to post on social media, but forgot to tell the person who helped me cross something off my medical list. Go figure!)

As Jeri and I were about to get off the ship in Willemstad, Curacao to explore (looking for a Starbucks ha!) I got a message from Cindy. She wondered if I had finished the last dose. I forgot her to message her, but she did not forget me.

Cindy is a registered nurse. While I have no idea how much money she makes, I am sure she could go someplace else and make more. On top of this, she has to deal with all the political crap going on in Ottawa County. But she stays here and helps people like me. Wow! Made my day! Thank YOU Cindy!

The Road Rider


What a difference a year makes