I Ride For: Kim

I Ride For: Kim

No, I am not done with the Great Cycle Challenge for 2021. And tomorrow I’ll be back with more appreciation rides and of course asking for money. But today is all about Kim. Some who found out she had cancer just a week ago and had surgery today.

I don’t know much about Kim. I met her husband, Greg, through LiveSTRONG a few years ago and eventually did meet Kim. 100% of my connection, however, is with Greg.

As I rode, I wondered if Greg being an oncologist and a cancer survivor himself helped or hurt. I assume both. There a peace in not knowing and there is also peace in information. I imagine the last week has been tough to know what to tell and what to ask.

Peace is what I thought most about as Kim’s flag flew behind me on my 100 mile ride on Sunday, and the shorter rides yesterday and today. Everyone finds peace in different places. For some it is the forest. For others it is being surrounded by family. And there are even a few wackos who think sitting on the beach is peaceful. (Gross!)

Kim, I do not know where you find peace. For me it is wide open spaces. Endless rolling hills with nothing on the horizon but more rolling hills. A very close second is the sea. Since I happen to live a mile from a small “sea” I took the picture here. About once or twice a month I bike to this spot and look out into Lake Michigan for just a minute or two. It never fails that whatever problem I had when I rode down the little hill to get here is not quite as big as I pedal back up and out.

Whatever that place is for you, I hope you can get there even if it only for a few minutes at a time.


The Road Rider


I Ride For: Lois


I Ride For: Kim