I Ride For: Dave

Yep, I am still riding. Yep, it is still indoors. Yep, there are still people to ride for. I got Dave’s name from an acquaintance from college. At the time Dave was not doing well. In fact, he was in the hospital and things looked grim. But things turned around and now Dave is home and doing well.

He does, however, still have cancer. I do not know what kind of cancer he has, but from my own “rookie” experience, “doing well” is relative. He is no longer in the hospital, but…

Will there be new side effects for no apparent reason?

Will the current medication stop working?

Will insurance cover all that he needs to maintain or improve from where he is today?

And everything else that can take a twist when we think it is going to do a turn.

Dave, riding for you over the last month was quite a bit different than the 100+ flags I have done in the past. Not only am I still riding inside on a trainer, but the fatigue from treatment has knocked my socks off. I was prepared to be tired, but not for the cumulative effect. I can only imagine what your journey has been like. I have only been at this for a few months and thankfully haven’t been hospitalized or suffered serious side effects from the treatment. I have a question for you, Dave: Is it always a guessing game? Days that should be easy are hard, and days that I dread that are a piece of cake. I just never know from one day to the next. Does that ever even out?

Here is to more of your days being the piece of cake kind. (Whether you expect them or not.)


The Road Rider


I Ride For: Evan


I Rider For: Marie