The Road Rider

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I Would Drive 50,000 Miles

I hit my 3 year anniversary with my first all electric car in December. Yesterday I turned over 50,000 miles. (Wanted to get a picture right at 50 but was on the freeway and decided that would be a bad move. Ha!) Of all the cars I have ever had or driven in my life, this one has by far been my favorite.

Is it better than gas powered cars? I do not know. There is a lot of information on both sides of this issue. Is electricity better than gas? Is the material used for the batteries worse for the environment than the carbon other cars put out? I do not know the answers. I do know that I love the fact that when I get in every morning the “tank is full” and I never have to stop at a gas station. (Unless I want potato chips.)

I doubt I will have as many miles in the next 3 years, but my plan is to drive this car until I hit 100,000 miles. I’ll keep you posted. And who knows, maybe by the time I get that many miles some of the questions on which is better will have been answered. (Or we will be onto hydrogen fuel and a whole different debate will be happening.)